Working With Body Shops
We have great relationships with many body shops and frequently do work for them. Most people are surprised when they hear this. Their first reaction is that the body shop is using us to to a repair, but the body shop is charging the customer their typical rates for body work, sanding, painting repairs.
However, that isn’t the case.
Most frequently we get calls from body shops about dents that are non-related to the damage the body shop is repairing. The body shop may notice additional damage or dents and offer the customer Paintless Dent Removal while the vehicle is in the shop. The shop then subcontracts the work to us. It’s a win-win for the customer and shop. The body shop is able to offer a valuable service to their customer at a great price and the customer is thrilled because PDR is convenient and affordable and they don’t have to see dents when they get their vehicle back.
Body shops also use Fix Your Dents to remove dents near the damaged area they are repairing to keep their repairs and painting area as small as possible. This saves time, money and the end result is a cleaner and better total repair.
“I refer my customers to Fix Your Dents because of their excellence, reliability and skill when it comes to vehicle exteriors. ”
Body shops will also subcontract out to us for other repairs, like damage from hail. Most body shops don’t have a qualified technician to perform these kind of repairs. Insurance companies quote out these kind of repairs using Paintless Dent Removal.
As you can see, our service compliments traditional body shop repairs. Not all body shops have a relationship with a quality Paintless Dent Removal service provider like Fix Your Dents, but the ones that do use them on a regular basis.